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Coronavirus News

In order to work within Covid restrictions, government guidelines and to keep you safe and well,

before I commence your treatment I need to make you aware of the following.


What I require from you:

You need to bring a clean pillowcase and blanket.

I cannot provide these due to the risk of cross contamination.

You need to bring a bottle of water as I  am unable to provide a drink.

My treatment room is separate to my home, so please text or call me upon your arrival and I will come and meet you.

Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes early as I can only have 1 client in my room at any time.

If you have been made aware that someone you have been in contact with has tested positive for Covid 19, or you have had a temperature or new cough within the last 14 days do not attend.

You do not have to wear a mask unless you prefer to.

You will be asked to wash your hands upon entering the treatment room and after your treatment.


What I am doing:

I have had both of my vaccinations, so I can treat clients without a mask who have also had both their vaccinations.   

The treatment bed and pillow are covered in a plastic sheet for easy sanitation.

The treatment bed and high contact areas (door handles etc) will be sanitised before and after your treatment.

All crystals used will be sanitised before and after your treatment, but I am unable to place any crystals upon the direct skin (hands and forehead etc).  So if you wish to hold any please bring your own.

Hand washing facilities, Hand sanitiser, anti bacterial hand wipes, anti bacterial surface wipes are available.

I will wash my hands before and after your treatment.

I will maintain social distancing at all times where possible, but please be aware it may not be possible to do this during your treatment.

I look forward to welcoming you to Heavenly Healing.

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